Friday, July 30, 2010

All-Natural Stomach Ache Relief

I've been doing this for so long, it's just second nature to me. However, I thought that I'd share it since some of you may find it helpful.

Whenever you have a stomach ache, turn to your refrigerator for remedies. Plain yogurt provides the solution for me. It needs to be plain yogurt without any added fruits, sugar or other ingredients.

Simply eat the yogurt. It's a form of medicine, actually. Plus, once you get used to the taste, it's enjoyable. Yes, you can become accustomed to eating plain yogurt. If you make your own, it can be a pure taste treat. (Making your own yogurt will be another blog post).

Choose your favorite brand of yogurt. Most offer a “plain” version. If a yogurt manufacturer does not offer a “plain” version, I wouldn't waste my time buying any type of yogurt from that manufacturer.

Eat as much yogurt as you feel necessary. Usually, I eat between ¼ to ½ cup. And, VIOLA!! no stomach ache. Results are rather instantaneous for me. As soon as the first couple of spoonfuls go down, my stomach feels better. Nice..

Your results may be different, but it works for me. It may work for you, too. Hopefully this can help others going through the same thing.

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