Sunday, June 27, 2010

Oil-Free, Yet Tasty, Stir Fry: Part I

Have you thought about enjoying a tasty stir fry, but didn't want the oil? Normally, stir frys start with a little olive oil or some other oil. Here's an alternative:

Use chicken or vegetable broth instead of the oil. Canned varieties of these broths are available. However, have you seen how much is in even the “low sodium” labeled varieties? Too much for me, thank you.

Make your own broth. It's so easy, it's a sin. Fill a two-quart pot with water. Put in a chicken breast. You can use either the bones or not, the choice is yours. The bones do provide extra flavor. If you want a vegetable broth, obviously, omit the chicken. Add some oregano, basil, tarragon, sage and rosemary. I've added some fresh mint and it's a kicker. :) To the herbs, add your veggies. These include some chopped onion, sliced carrots, broccoli, cabbage and potato. You can actually add any vegetable you want.

Cover and cook over medium heat until a boil starts. Stir to evenly distribute all the ingredients. Lower the heat. Simmer for another 15 minutes, until all the ingredients are cooked thoroughly. Poke with a fork for doneness.

When done, remove from heat. Remove the chicken and veggies onto a serving plate. This can be your dinner. Or, save for later use. The remaining water is your broth.

How easy is that? And...tasty..

Now that we have covered making broth...we have a base for our stir fry. Upcoming post...Stay tuned..:)

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