I find it very interesting that when one is diagnosed with heart disease, or high levels of harmful cholesterol levels, that margarine is designated as being the preferred topping when compared to butter. Have you read the ingredients in margarine? I don't care how "healthy" this product is supposed to be...it's not. It contains so many additives, preservatives, chemicals and other nonsense that there is no way someone is going to convince me of its "health benefits". Also...trans fat is a huge NO NO for those afflicted with high LDL levels. Read the fine print on any of these "healthy" foods and notice that the ingredients usually contain the wording "partially hydrogenated vegetable oils". In other words....TRANS FATS.
Also, the FDA does not require a food manufacturer to label TRANS FATS as being a component of a product that contains less than .5mg per serving of this fat. Did you know that? Probably not...it's a well-hidden fact that I found out only upon doing an extensive research article for a notable publication. I'm certain other health-conscious individuals who are attuned to the food industry also know about this. And, yet....heart patients are told that margarine is "healthier" than butter. Spare me....
I firmly believe that the food manufacturers of margarine are funded by Conagra..or large food conglomerates functioning with profits as their main concern...not human health. Once again, read the label and find out who the food manufacturer is.
Read the ingredients of butter, in comparison. It contains cream, maybe salt. Unsalted varieties strictly contain cream. That is it. Yes, cream is high in saturated fat and calories. However, butter - like any food - is to be eaten in moderation. There is ZERO trans fat in butter.
So, as far as the butter versus margarine debate....there is none, in my opinion. I don't trust margarine. Never have, never will. I don't care how much the food industry promotes it as being healthy and good for me.
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