With our society being known for having an obese population, it seems that there is a multitude of 'ways to lose weight'. Some of pure nonsense, some surgical, and some common sense. Some ways are easy, some take some work. In other words, there is something for everyone. Here are some ways to lose weight that plain and simply – use common sense and are cheap.
Drink water. How simple is this? So many people are concerned about how many sodas to drink. Do they need to decrease the amount? Should they drink diet sodas? Come on. Make your life easier. Just do not drink any. DRINK WATER! It fills you up. It is, simply, delicous and satisfying. Part of drinking more water includes water-based drinks such as tea.
Exercise more. This is so common sense, it is embarrassing to mention. However, with all the miraculous ways suggested to lose weight, it is basic. Exercise more, plain and simple. No matter if it is as simple as walking more than usual, do it. Do anything that involves more activity than what your current level is at. Even isometrics is good. Just do something physical besides sit in front of your television eating chocolates or junk food.
Steam foods. When you prepare your meals, simply use steaming as your method of cooking. It only involves the time to chop your food and place it in a steamer. Usually takes about 10-15 minutes of time. The taste is superb. The cost is cheap. Plus, there is decreased fat. You can experience the natural taste of food.
Decrease portion sizes. Our society has become accustomed to HUGE portion sizes of food. When eating out, take half your meal home in a doggy bag. Instead of eating 2 cups of cereal, cut back to 1 cup. Learn to enjoy eating a protein portion the size of a deck of cards. By learning to enjoy smaller portions, you will be amazed at how easy it is. Measure your food intake. It takes time, but is worth it.
Eat a well balanced diet. Forget those fad diets that have you totally eliminating certain food groups. Your body needs all food groups to function properly. It does not take a food scientist to know this.
Losing weight is not easy, especially as we age. It takes work and discipline. And, yes, it is easier said than done. By incorporating these weight loss suggestions into your lifestyle – you will reap the benefits. Go for it!
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